Sunday, July 29, 2012

From the Mouth of Bulldogs

My mom has been known to yell at the television.  She has a strong distaste for the Kardashians, Republicans and, "What else? There's so many things I hate." She loves boring British television, this one cooking show where the lady is Canadian but pretends to be a Guido, and HGTV. Tonight, while watching the news, my mother told me she could sum up every major GOP politician quite simply, here's what she said:

- Sarah Palin - "Twit."
- John McCain - "Liar [re: the "renegade"]"
- Dick Cheney - "Fascist."
- George H.W. Bush - "Didn't do a damn thing in four years."
- Mitt Romney - "Idiot."
- John Boehner -  "OH! Asshole!"
- Mitch McConnell - "Words cannot even express, I just look at him and cringe."
- Rick Santorum - "What is he online? That oozing discharge after anal sex? That's about what he is."
- George W. Bush - "Oh, God. I think that's all I can say."

Even if you fall on the other side of the aisle from my mother, admit that there's nothing better than your own mother yelling at the T.V. and making herself laugh while thinking about all the things she hates.

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