Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Chi-city, I'm coming home again

Things I am excited for:
 - Emily Jones
 - Pretzels
 - the "El"
 - The guy in the Lake station who plays Sam Cooke all day long
 - Tacos?
 - Cocktails with E. Youngin
 - FUN
 - Relaxation
 - Being empowered? Or desperate? Or either way - having it not really matter.  (This one's for you, Holly Doyle)

....and then, RIPON on Saturday night!  Move in Sunday morning.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Hello my name is Roberta

...and I am an emoticon addict.  I freely use :) all the time, and even sometimes use ;).  I am responsible for my own usage of emoticons, and I admit that I was powerless against this, until today.  Today, I pledge not to use them unless there is an exceptionally appropriate circumstance, like when I think I am sounding bitchy in a text message.

Monday, January 9, 2012

You know that phrase, "..learn something new every day?"  Today I learned that my cat, Mabel likes to eat whole chili peppers from my Chinese food when I'm not looking.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Oh yeah, it's the New Year?

Okay, I never have a resolution for the new year - even though I could probably stand to make a few of the traditional ones (I won't ever accomplish any of those), i.e. spend less money at the bar on beers.  BUT! I decided that I was going to do my own take on what I should focus on for 2012 and they are:

- graduate from college (keep your fingers crossed, guys!)
- eat more kale - it's delicious!
- wear makeup everyday - not because I need to look more "beautiful," but because I want to stop being such a hot mess every minute of every day.
- stop apologizing for myself when I've done nothing wrong
...and embrace every moment.

Okay, now that's over. We can focus on things I like more, like articles from the New York Times.  Here are two opinion pieces written by former prisoners at Gitmo. Pretty cool.   here and here

On Thursday, I fly out for a weekend in Chicago before I head back to Ripon for the semester.  My plans involve eating as many tacos as possible, and doing only fun things.  I move back to the good ol' sorority floor come Sunday, and I am excited for our first night back - where Ashley and Holly are hopefully going to sit in my room while we drink and I organize.  Everyone who reads this probably knows how important this initial organization is for me, because if I don't do it right away...this is what happens:
above: freshman year dorm room, awful outfit and awful room. gross.

Anyways, wish me luck on the next few weeks, I am going to try to only have so much fun!
