Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Conversation I Had Today with a Four Year Old

Me: I really like your shirt!
Little boy: You like the Packers?
Me: Yes, I lived in Wisconsin once.
Little boy: I like Aaron Rodgers and my mommy likes watching football.

What. An. Angel.

That's GROSS!

- bananas
- the consistency of baby food
- when said baby food ends up on your clothes
- ketchup-y, wet dishes

Aurora just gets me

Today Aurora posted something on my Facebook which just made sense. The image said, "I wanted to text you but I remembered we don't talk anymore." Above it, she asked me if it reminded me of anyone specifically. I laughed for two reasons, mostly because I say that shit all the time (especially after I get a case of the giggles from a few beers) and because she is referencing a few specific people.

Without going into specific detail of who she was talking about, or why - let me just say that when someone is no longer in my life for one reason or another, I don't stop thinking about what they would find funny. Even if I really, passionately dislike someone I can't help myself from thinking about people that are that "somebody that I used to know" and things we had in common, or laughed about together.

When I thought about it again while showering before bed tonight, I realized that it is because I never hesitate to tell people I know that I am thinking of them. It is just unfortunate to know that sometimes, it is way more appropriate to keep those thoughts to yourself.

So in honor of those people, I really enjoy baseball games (with two dollar brats and beers) in small town Wisconsin. I also have a really great time watching Louis, the new sitcom starring Louis C.K. and graduation seating arrangements sometimes leave more of an impression than Dean Seaman talking about Tolkien.

In honor of this narcissistic blog post about (almost) nothing, look up Elliott Smith's "Somebody That I Used to Know" and also just for kicks, check out Jeff Buckley's cover of "I Shall Be Released."

Location:Where else but Cougar Mountain, WA

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Let the Wild Rumpus Start!

Tomorrow is my last day of work at the archives for the rest of my life, and I will miss it a lot! I just will miss thumbing through all of the old documents, and putting together a "complete" history of Ripon College in my head. Funny that I made it this far working here, especially since I felt like I would likely be fired about a million times. Well, good riddance Pearl Dopp and Spencer Tracy! I will have to catch you later.

Now, starting tomorrow the crazy senior week festivities begin, and I don't have any money. But, what's new? Wish me luck that I don't drown while trying to drink cheap, Wisconsin beer. Also, let's hope for only fun times ahead until my parents arrive on Friday.

Here's a link to listen (in entirety) to Best Coast's new album:

If you don't know who they are, think surfy, tape hiss-y music combined with the adorableness of Belle and Sebastian. Love it.

Have a good week, y'all! :)

Friday, May 4, 2012

So, about three posts in one day...

Okay.  I have to get back into this blog thing.  It's kind of hard, especially when you fall off the bandwagon - but I think that it's necessary to start putting things I like to read, life stories, and fun things all in one place again.

Life recently in the Rip-rap has been excellent.  I have been enjoying long car rides with Emily Kijek, Sophia, Alex and Sara Norden recently, and the weather has been crazy (proved for some awesome car viewing)!  I heard the loudest thunder storms that I have EVER heard the night before last and since then it's been a humid mess.  Anytime it's humid like this, I can't help but think of the episode of Friends where all of them go to Barbados, and Monica's hair looks like the messiest shit ever. Let's hope it takes the summer for my hair to get that long. haha.

I graduate in a week and a few days, and boy does that feel crazy!  I have one exam coming between me and the end of my senior year in college.  For now, I am moving back to Washington where I will go back to working at the daycare for a bit while I save money and perhaps figure out what the next step is.  I have three options, stay at the daycare and move back to Metropolitan Seattle (instead of suburbia Bellevue, YUCK), go back to school in Olympia or in Portland, OR move back to the Midwest.

I know that eventually I will have to come back to the Midwest, because I don't think I can live anywhere else in the world more permanently than Wisconsin, but for the mean time I am going to spend a while in Washington trying to create a new life.

Here's to new adventures and happy times ahead!

Stanley Kubrick's Images of the New York Subway (1946)
