Monday, December 26, 2011

The Lives They Lived

Hi everyone (aka the two people that are probably reading this)!

I have arrived home about a week ago, and have been playing lazy all around the house, cooking delicious food and working a few hours at the daycare.  In the coming weeks, I return to Ripon as a student for my last semester, and move back to the sorority floor (I better prepare myself for formal recruitment)!

I spent my first Christmas without my family this year.  My Mom and brother went up to Canada to visit with my extended family, and I had to stay behind because of the loss of my green card while I was up visiting Andie during the summertime.  I have since paid to replace it, gotten my biometrics done, but still have not received the card in the mail.  Immigration, while necessary is probably one of the most irritating and complicated government departments ever.  Let's hope that it arrives soon so that I can go visit my grandmother before I return to Ripon.  I went over to Kirsten's house for Christmas dinner and it was really nice, and I sure left so full that I felt like I was going to be in elastic waist pants for the rest of my life.

I am trying to decide whether or not to return to Chicago for a weekend before I head back to Ripon.  A huge part of me really wants to go, and do stuff like ride the el and walk down Michigan Avenue - but another part of me doesn't want to go at all.  I love the city, and miss it a lot but I don't really know if I actually have any reasons to visit.  I guess that it mostly depends on the difference between plane ticket prices going to Milwaukee or Chicago.

Here's a really interesting set of obituaries edited by Ira Glass (my favorite human being. ever.)  Like the radio show that he hosts, these obituaries are stories from the lives of the people who had passed away in the last year.  The Lives They Lived, edited by Ira Glass.  These made me tear up, and they are a beautiful way to remember people that have died.

Happy Christmas and YAYYY for the New Year!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

hope = time is on my side
hope = enjoying my future
fear = graduation