Monday, November 28, 2011

Is Being a Lush a Phase?

Brain = do nothing ever
Heart = do everything possible
Not attainable = somewhere in the middle

I was seriously tempted to call my mom today to ask if I would grow out of my personality which has existed since birth:

  • Sweatpants/leggings are always an acceptable solution to pants
  • Jeans are stupid
  • Red wine is fun on Sundays
  • I only like doing fun things, and dread doing anything boring, or seemingly useless
  • Bed is perhaps the best place that I could ever be in the world
  • Being comfortable is the best thing ever, nothing beats it.
  • Eating good food is pretty good too
  • Going to a paradise where I can do all of these things and somehow miraculously survive without heaps of student loans would be pretty great
  • Oh, and maybe some free love gobbildy-gook (is there a proper way to spell this?)
I hope it's kind of a phase because I know there will be a day when I have to wear business casual clothes, not drink wine on Sundays, and I will have to get out of bed at an early hour every day.  For now, I will just hope that day never comes.

Monday, November 14, 2011

I know you see me looking up, because I know you're looking down right now

Hey y'all (aka the two people who probably read this),

I haven't written in a few weeks, that's because I have been really busy the last few days.  Well, since I last wrote I have had a few really cool things happen.  I visited the Graceland Cemetary with Jordan, Scott and Charles - and saw the graves of some of Chicago's most famous residents, like Burnham and Palmer.  Awesome!  I also saw Paul Simon live, which was pretty fucking awesome.  He played every song I wanted him to play, and jammed out like it was Louisiana - needless to say, one of the better concerts I have ever seen in my life.

Friday I go up to Ripon for AXO's formal, and I am stoked!  I am excited to see all of the seestors and have a great time (here's to hoping I don't spend too much money!) The Packers have also been on an incredible winning streak, they are STILL undefeated, and kicked the ass out of the Vikes tonight.  I have had a few good weeks.

Since no post is complete without my ramblings that don't have to do with my real life, here are two great articles about feminism (as you all should know, one of my fave things..hahaha).  Here's an article on rape, which declares that as women we should be "Over it" - never thought I would view rape this way, but very interesting... "Over It" by Eve Ensler.

Also on the reading list, is an article about how Kim Kardashian's wedding is good for women : check it out.

go pack and axo ain't nothing to fuck with,