Monday, July 23, 2012

After Walk Endorphins

Tonight I went on a lovely walk through a park here in Issaquah with my Mom after I got off of a long day at the daycare.  Ichiro was traded to the Yankees (one more reason to hate the Yankees?), and the plans for the road trip are finalized.  I have finished reading the book "How to Be a Woman" by Caitlin Moran - a funny (and frank) read about being a woman and being a feminist today.  Think, British Tina Fey combo with a bit about hating patriarchy.  It was a fast and comfortable read.   In a similar vein, I also finished reading Gloria Steinem's book "Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions," seems as though I am on a bit of a feminist kick (as per usual), and Steinem was more inspiring while Moran was more like a gossip columnist.  Both of them were great, but for different reasons.

Since I have just finished two books, I have to say that I am continuing to read Naomi Klein's "The Shock Doctrine."  Of the three people who read this blog, if any of you possess an interest in economics, you should check it out.  Mind you, I feel as though when I usually read about economics I am drowning in quicksand, this book is fairly easy to read and mighty convincing.  Essentially, she builds a case that the Chicago School of Economics has been essentially destroying human rights through a forceful global conversion to their "scientific methods."  There's way more in a 500 page book than I can dare to even attempt to explain in a paragraph, but check it out.

Now, other than rambling about what I am reading, here is some interesting stuff I have found in my daily ritual of reading far too many news stories.

Could it be, my two favorite men in an interview?  Now, I know this interview is not brand, spanking new - but Louis CK brings it back, making women swoon by not only acknowledging the fear of rape, but telling us to essentially, shut the fuck up.  Love it.

Is a Computer Worm Causing Iranian Nuclear Facilities to Blast AC/DC’s ‘Thunderstruck’ At Night? by Adrian Chen  - basically just hilarious because I pictured an aging frat boy choosing to make Iranians listen to "Thunderstruck" while he relives his days of yore as a beer chugging, golf playing, national security specialist.

The Lethal Presidency by Tom Junod - I also know that this article is a few weeks old, but it is brilliant.  Addressing the "Lethal Presidency" of President Obama, the Esquire piece describes the story of the Al-Awlaki family and the death of their son (famed Al Qaeda of the Arabian Peninsula), and his son - two American citizens targeted with drones.  The article, while long discusses how even though the author believes that Obama is a man of principle who is not misusing his power, that perhaps his predecessor will not be as moral.  Now, I don't know how I feel about drone attacks - especially on American citizens, morally they seem quite questionable.  Basically, this article talks about these combatants and ends with a bang.  Enjoy!

Have a good night y'all, and I will now retreat to documentaries and bed.

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