Wednesday, June 1, 2011


So, I am completely over Rep. Weiner's twitter issues.  Let's be real, he probably was intending to send that photograph to that girl in Seattle, and it just got out on his public twitter.  Oops. Pretty embarrassing.  More embarrassing is that the media have given SO much time to this story, and to Andrew Breitbart.  Breitbart is a part of the new Tea Party media, and called Ted Kennedy a "prick" within hours of his death.  While Ted Kennedy probably left a bit of a mixed reputation after death (especially because of that infamous car accident), calling a Kennedy a prick within hours of his death probably means that you shouldn't be given too much time on CNN.

I'm glad that the media continually attempts to distract us from the real problems that our country faces - like war, poverty, and a slow economy.  Let's stop worrying about a Representative's underwear, and start worrying about real problems.

....also, the Canucks won the first game in the Stanley Cup finals, scoring like twenty seconds before the game ended.  I would say, that it's gonna be a long series!

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