Sunday, June 17, 2012

Today is Father's Day, you know what that means...

...we're gonna have a special day. Oh, good ol' Dads.

Life around these parts has been pretty good the last few weeks, just working at the daycare and trying to get my life together. I have been out of college now for a month, and I am already thinking that I should do something new. We'll see, I am looking at different grad programs but I don't know if I necessarily think that grad school is for me. No real life updates here, to report of.

The other day, during a four hour lunch break (the only one I will probably ever have), I headed over to Barnes and Nobles to see if I could pick up some nice fiction to read. As any other former college student can attest to, I haven't read almost any fiction since I left high school - which goes without saying unless you were an English major. So, with the intention of buying a novel to read (and rejecting the 50 Shades of Grey craze), I was going to search. Well, I walked out of the store with the book "Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein - a book about Disaster Capitalism. Someone has to have an intervention with me about reading depressing books that make me hate the Bush era that much more.

In lieu of sweet life updates (which are rare anyways), here are a few things that I have read recently which struck my fancy:

"Did Republicans Deliberately Crash the US economy?" from the Guardian, by Michael Cohen. Interesting read, especially after reading the first few chapters of Naomi Klein's book which talks a lot about how Milton Friedman's followers (see Neoliberalism and the US economy) promote chaos as being the best way to bring about change. Creepy when you really think about it, take a look!

"A Message to Girls About Religious Men That Fear You" from Huff-Po by Soraya Chemaly. Really, a rather chilling piece about how women should be inspired by their own power in light of many religious men worldwide who create policies and believe in discriminating against women, Chemaly argues it is because of our power.

...and for the last one, something actually more "fun." It's for the sociology major in all of us, "The Overthinking Person's Drinking Game" from the Thought Catalog. Hilarious.

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