Sunday, January 8, 2012

Oh yeah, it's the New Year?

Okay, I never have a resolution for the new year - even though I could probably stand to make a few of the traditional ones (I won't ever accomplish any of those), i.e. spend less money at the bar on beers.  BUT! I decided that I was going to do my own take on what I should focus on for 2012 and they are:

- graduate from college (keep your fingers crossed, guys!)
- eat more kale - it's delicious!
- wear makeup everyday - not because I need to look more "beautiful," but because I want to stop being such a hot mess every minute of every day.
- stop apologizing for myself when I've done nothing wrong
...and embrace every moment.

Okay, now that's over. We can focus on things I like more, like articles from the New York Times.  Here are two opinion pieces written by former prisoners at Gitmo. Pretty cool.   here and here

On Thursday, I fly out for a weekend in Chicago before I head back to Ripon for the semester.  My plans involve eating as many tacos as possible, and doing only fun things.  I move back to the good ol' sorority floor come Sunday, and I am excited for our first night back - where Ashley and Holly are hopefully going to sit in my room while we drink and I organize.  Everyone who reads this probably knows how important this initial organization is for me, because if I don't do it right away...this is what happens:
above: freshman year dorm room, awful outfit and awful room. gross.

Anyways, wish me luck on the next few weeks, I am going to try to only have so much fun!


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